June 7, 2010

  • I need to vent.

         Ok, I need to take a moment. Please bear with me.

         I have not commented, messaged, pulsed, or uploaded anything original to my Xanga site in a long while. I recently lost my job and I’ve spent the extra 40 hours a week I now have reading and commenting on various posts under which the comment discussion involved my personal beliefs or standpoints, or were on a topic to which I could offer argumentative input. I’ve commented back and forth with a select few intelligent people, which has been a wonderful experience, but the majority of my comments were seemingly ill-received. These past few weeks have been an eye-opening experience into the world of public-post commenting.

         I’m not going to name any names, or quote any comments directly, but say for instance the post at the top of the front page was entitled, “Does 2 + 2 equal 5?” Now, after watching the front page articles closely for a few weeks, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see a post with such a title up there, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see a mindless battle of idiots raging in the comment section beneath it, either. Sure, there are plenty of trolls out there (people who write outlandish or offensive comments beneath a post for the purpose of pointlessly pissing people off), but I’d be willing to bet that 80% of the comments under a post are not written by such people (unless we’re talking about the comment section under Theo’s posts or the Revelife blog, under which 90% of the comments are jokers or atheists, respectively).

         So the title of the post is “Does 2 + 2 equal 5?” and the first comment says something like, “ZOMG, srsly!?!? MATH FAIL!!!” My reply to such a comment would be something along the lines of “Xanga requires it’s users to be 13 years of age or older. Go ask your mommy what that means, okay sweetheart?” If you’re going to post a comment, for heaven’s sake at least try to sound intelligent! It’s obviously a bait and switch title, so any comment regarding the statement “2 + 2 equals 5” is no doubt written by someone who didn’t even read the post.

         The atheists on Revelife need to think before they comment/reply. I mainly commented under Revelife posts in my endeavor to find something productive to do with my time, and I was always bombarded with atheist jargon. I have no problem with people who decide to believe their lives have no purpose or meaning; it’s their decision and they’re old enough to know what their deciding. But when your argument is “[Christians] need to be more open minded, and close their minds around that which is evidentially logical” you sound like a babbling fool, and your argument gets neither you nor the person you’re arguing with anywhere. If you’re an atheist, and you’re commenting under a blog post on a Christian website, you’re trolling. Go do something useful and vote for your atheist -ish site.

         The reason people are so hostile in the comment section of the “top blogs” and “featured blogs” is because whoever’s putting these blogs up there tries too hard to drive their site-traffic to comment. These controversial, bait-and-switch titles do bring people in, but it’s the aim of such a title to upset someone enough to click on the link and vent in the comment section. Such titles actually encourage mindless bickering! Are the users of Xanga so mentally destitute that they require that much incentive to put forth the effort of commenting? When I opened my Xanga account some five years ago, there were people here who actually cared about each other, commented on each others posts (regardless of whether or not they were offended by the contents of said posts), and were genuinely friendly overall. Now all I ever see on my personal page, the front page, and the comment section of just about every post I visit is world-wide-web-WAR. It’s almost as if Xanga has become the UFC Octagon of the bloggosphere. If you’re here to wage war, please shut down your account and return to Myspace, or Facebook, or wherever the hell else you came from.

    Good day.

Comments (7)

  • I don’t feel very attacked. I mean, on ISH sites, people are CRAZY and make absolutely no sense.

    “I HATEFAT PEOPLE OMGGg”and such. Very silly.Very easy to ignore.
    And, the people who comment on my page are usually all people I’ve commented first via Xanga’s Explore. And, when I comment, it’s only in response to sincere thoughts/stories that I have acquired a new perspective from. And, my comments are never negative on personal sites.Then, those said people (whom I immediately consider friends. lol, I’m such a girl,) go to my site, usually read a thing or two, and, sometimes, respond. Positively.
    There are those that do things for attention, and there are those who do things to learn.
    I guess you can really tell the difference yourself.
    Sorry for the lame comment. lol.

  • @lonelystrangergirl - It’s all good, thanks for commenting. I’ve got a sizable amount of sincere commenters and close friends on Xanga, too, but when I go and state my answer to a given question all I get are a bunch of “You’re a moron” replies. Are people really that stupid? Do they really think that calling someone a moron for stating their opinion is something that will better the common good of the debate? I’ve seen some stupid people on here, but after all the replies I’ve seen I’d very much like to seek these people out and punch them in the face. Haha, now I’m the one being crass. Thanks again.

  • ^_^ no problem.

    The thing is, I’m sure that’s the type of reaction they want. Just like in highschool, there will always be those who want attention.
    It makes me laugh. Don’t let it get to you!!

  • I’m going to use a cliche (and somewhat overused) saying here, but it’s one of my favorites:

    Arguing on the Internet is like being in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you’re still retarded.

    I’m like you man, when I first joined Xanga, I had nothing but good experiences. People I met (like you) made me feel welcome and I enjoyed blogging. Now it seems like the love is gone. I haven’t kept up with any top blogs or anyone who I don’t subscribe to or am not friends with, because I don’t have time to waste on reading some of the ridiculous comments people make. The Internet has found a new generation… a generation of semi-retarded teens whose sole purpose online is not to carry on intellectual conversation or debate, but to act as moronic as possible to get as much attention as possible. Crazy…..

  • @respawn87 - My point exactly. One of my “favorite” comments (if I can use the word) was under a post by Theo’s Cafe. The post was titled “Would you kill someone?” and described a situation where someone was put in a position in which killing another person was more or less essential to their own survival. In the comment section, one of Xanga’s most well known atheists commented, “I wouldn’t mind killing a monotheistic god…” Wow! I couldn’t believe my eyes! What could a person, an atheist even, hope to accomplish by saying something like that? Unfortunately, as was my meaning in this post, Xanga seems to want to go in this direction. By loading the featured section and front page with articles involving the beliefs and opinions of the outermost extremists (such as animal rights, homosexuality, religion, etc) they’re asking for, if not encouraging this sort of idiotic commentary. I’m really getting sick of it.

  • sad state of xanga

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