June 30, 2010

Comments (5)

  • Haha.... the first time I saw that stuff was on a MythBusters episode. It's heavier than air so it loosens up the vocal chords.... so crazy!

    And you can get a bottle of it on eBay for like $1,000.... haha!

  • @respawn87 - That's the only place I can find a quoted price. I found a website that sells it in custom canisters, but there's no pricing and I'm not sure if I want to call them claiming to represent a company that uses it and needs a 24 ounce canister, or if I just wanna give 'em the truth and say "I really need to inhale some of this stuff!" Either way, I'm sure they'd charge me out the butt for it.

  • I read on one site that a place called ArtChemicals.com sold a compressed canister for $50.... but apparently they don't sell it anymore.

    I think they shouldn't have to know why you want some, as long as they are getting paid. I wonder what the effects are. Helium gives you a small buzz because of it's properties, but I wonder what a heavier-than-air gas does to you. I also wonder what it tastes like because it's sulfur based, and sulfur is pretty nasty smelling. I would like to get some just to mess around with my friends.

  • @respawn87 - You get the "high" effect from helium because you're breathing in something other than oxygen, and a lack of oxygen gives you a lightheaded feeling. I'm sure this does the same thing. Prank calls anyone?

  • That's true, I guess you would probably feel light headed from the lack of air in general. I thought the same thing about the prank calls.... hahaha... that would be perfect.

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